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Excellent In National Railway Asset Management

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Property Management

Terms and Conditions



Apply now through www.rails.gov.my or download the RAILS application through your device


Unauthorised Rental/Lease

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RAC manages applications for wayleave on either titled or reserve railway land. Approval for wayleave applications is given by RAC to Government Agencies/private sector/companies/individuals such as Public Works Department (JKR), Department of Irrigation and Drainage (JPS), Sewerage Services Department (JPP), Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) , etc for use of titled or reserve railway land whether across or on railway tracks such as construction/widening of highway/expressway, building of bridge, laying of utility cables, etc.

Every wayleave application received by RAC will be charged one-off as compensation for the loss of RAC’s rights to occupy the land. Besides that, an annual operating fee is also imposed on the applicant. Both fees are based on location and land size. The wayleave valuation principle is based on the concept of co-existence of land use on a continuous basis and without any interference (except during construction). As such, in imposing rental fees or determining rental values, consideration should not be based on full valuation. The principle of co-existence whereby each party will be able to benefit from the use of the land on a continuous basis and the site, will not be used for other purposes.

Apply now through www.rails.gov.my or download the RAILS application through your device




Billboard advertising is effective for building brand awareness and broadcasting your business, product or campaign to as many people as possible. RAC's strategic advertising locations across the country allow media and brand owners to erect various type of billboard placements along RAC's right of way (ROW), ensuring high reach and top-of-mind recall.

Jenis-jenis tanah


Jenis-jenis tanah


RAC permits telecommunication infrastructure providers to erect telco towers on RAC’s land along RAC’s right of way (ROW). All telco tower applications must comply with the following guidelines:

Minimum Distance of Towers From Nearest Building (Meter)

To the Residential Buildings / Institutions (Facilities) : 20 meter
To the Commercial Building : 10 meter
To the Industrial Building : 5 meter

Types of telecommunication towers

  • 3 Legged Tower
  • Lamp Pole Tower
  • RDS Tower
  • Tree Pole Tower
  • Monopole Tower


To apply, please click on the link www.rails.gov.my

Railway Land Administration

Railway land administration involves the process of vesting in the RAC the titled railway land and the gazetting of railway land which are under the reserve category.The process of vesting the titled land is carried out under statutory vesting through Form 30A Section (415[1][a]), National Land Code (KTN) 1965 while for reserve land through gazetting application based on the provision of Section 62, KTN 1965.
The management of land administration affairs is subject to provisions under these laws:
        •Railways Act 1991
        •National Land Code 1965

Monitoring & Enforcement

Enforcement and monitoring activities are conducted on railway land to safeguard against encroachment, unlawful occupation and other activities on railway land that could disrupt railway operations. Besides posing dangers to the intruders, any interference at railway operational areas are feared to affect the safety of train passengers as well as disrupt railway operations.
Enforcement action against railway land intruders is usually taken after an administration notice is issued by RAC. The administration notice for a certain period will be issued for seven (7) days or fourteen (14) or twenty-one (21) or thirty (30) or ninety (90) days where applicable and according to the case.
If the owner (intruder) fails to abide by the notice to vacate the land, RAC will submit a notice of application under Section 425 of the National Land Code (Amendment Act September 2016) from the District Land Administrator or the Director General of Federal Land and Mines Department (JKPTG) for demolition and eviction purposes. Under the same section, it is an offence to illegally occupy Government land and failing to comply could result in a fine of not more than RM500,000.00 or a jail sentence not exceeding five (5) years or both, if convicted.
In addition, the adoption of the Policy on Enforcement on Land and Houses of Worship which was approved at the RAC Board of Directors Meeting on 1 February 2012 allows actions to be taken to prevent the construction of new residences, houses of worship, permanent crop cultivation and livestock breeding activities in the railway operation areas.
To coordinate enforcement efforts, RAC collaborated with various government agencies and the private sector such as the District Land Office (PDT), Director General of Federal Land and Mines Department (JKPTG), State Secretary (SUK), Local Authorities (PBT), Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), Suruhanjaya Air Negara (SPAN), Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB), Syarikat Air Negeri and Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB).


Non-economic or unused RAC assets will be disposed of as follows:

  1. Write off
  2. Disposal
  3. Award

Types of Used asset Disposed

Railway infrastructure and assets monitored and disposed are as follows:


Jenis-jenis tanah


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